Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hello Punisher !!!

This is a short post at Eric's house as he teaches us how to manage the google group and post to this blog. I just may erase or edit this later. Boogey boogey boogey!!! Eric, Stan(Home Boy), Jerry, Stephen, and Adam attended, with Tim showing up after riding to Layton from his house in SLC. We're all getting pretty dangerous now. :-)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Say hello to The Punisher

In the last few weeks I have been acquainted with The Punisher. This person who calls himself Bill appears to be quite the training guru; he offered great advice during our Huntsville and Midway rides, and had a great plan on specifically what to work on during the rides.

Why The Punisher you ask? Not only does The Punisher crush you in the flats, climbs, or downhills for miles and miles to wear you down, he then throws in impromptu "Bill Wins" sessions that consist of someone named Bill riding a Time bicycle selecting a point to sprint to and taking off in a flash. This is followed by a few seconds of catching your breath and hearing "ok, that sign over there...GO!"

You have been warned.

All kidding aside I am excited to experience the wealth of information communicated through the planned structured training sessions from The Punisher and other training gurus.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tour of Park City

This is a perfect place to share our racing photos! I stole this one from Kym Crnich so I'd better give her the credit. Everyone (except me) lined up before the start of the 2008 Tour of Park City. If you want a better copy let Kim or me know! Or just click on the photo.

Also Eric, is there a way to subscribe to the blog so we get notified when there's something new?


Sunday, October 5, 2008

This is a blog.

Welcome to the BCC Racing blog.

This first blog entry will attempt to explain what a blog is expected to be for. You can see Wikipedia's definition of a blog for all the details, but here's the way I see it: A blog is mainly a journal, a diary, a location to post news articles. A blog is not a place where we typically have "intelligence" or "features" such as an event calendar, a ride database, all the cool stuff people want to have access to. The place for those things is a web site, such as The plan is to create such a web site for BCC Racing specific needs at Later. Don't go there now, it's not gonna work too well. Really. No, really.

Having said that, I hope we can have a large number of contributors to this blog. Everyone involved in BCC Racing is invited to write blog entries and / or comment on existing blog entries.

Suffer with friends.