Friday, December 5, 2008

So You Want To Race?

While many are waxing boards or skis and praying for snow, a select few are scheming about road racing. There was a great turn out at the BCC “So you want to race” meeting—20 to be exact, 13 team members and 5 board members. The goal of the meeting was to provide information to current racers along with those looking to get started with racing.

Attendees received the 2009 BCC Racing Bible telling about the team; background, 09 race focus, requirements, costs, & web technologies available. We’re excited for the next race season as the team’s focus has sharpened. To improve racing performance we’re planning training rides coordinated with super series rides, as well as some other goodies. It also looks like there will be a group of masters women looking to get into racing.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My #1 take away from the training meeting

"If you haven't started training for 2009 by now you're behind" - or something to that effect was uttered by Bill as he was quoting a coach he'd recently talked to.

There were plenty of other good discussions. The training future looks great!

Suffer with friends.